I am on a waiting list for surgery. I have been on this waiting list for months and I am fed up with the delay. I believe that I may avail of this treatment abroad and may be refunded the cost by the HSE. Is this correct? Please advise me. Does this scheme apply to all HSE services?
The HSE operates a Cross-Border Healthcare Directive for people entitled to public patient healthcare in Ireland who want to avail of that healthcare in another European Union member state (including Northern Ireland). Therefore, if you are entitled to public health services in Ireland, you may opt to access those
services in another European Union member state, and be repaid the cost if you meet the requirements. Prior HSE authorisation is required in a number of circumstances. The amount that will be repaid is the amount that the treatment would cost in Ireland, or the cost of your treatment abroad, if that is less. It does not include other costs such as travel. Funding will only be reimbursed for healthcare that is publicly funded and available in Ireland but the referral may be to a public or private health service in the other country. You must pay for the cost of treatment and then apply for a refund when you return to Ireland. In order to receive the treatment you must firstly receive a referral letter from your GP, HSE orthodontist etc. The referral letter should specify the healthcare required, the health professional abroad you are being referred to and their clinic or hospital.
Examples of healthcare that is available under the scheme include:
- Day, in-patient and out-patient care in acute hospital services, including psychiatric
services - Community-based out-patient care
- Joint replacement
- Dental and orthodontic services (with some exceptions, such as dental screening
services in schools) - Fertility treatment
- Speech and language services
- Occupational therapy services
- Psychology services
- Physiotherapy services
- Disability services
- Ophthalmic services
- Mental health services
- Addiction care