Please explain what happens if I am involved in an accident with an uninsured driver. I read recently that there are a lot of people driving around without insurance. What happens if I am involved in an accident with one of these drivers and am seriously injured?
A body called the Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) deals with claims from parties involved in accidents caused by uninsured and unidentified vehicles. If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured or unidentified driver (a driver who flees the scene of an accident) you should report the matter to the Gardai and the MIBI. Alternatively, you may engage a Solicitor to act on your behalf in seeking compensation
for your injuries and property damage. Investigations will be carried out to establish the facts of the incident and to establish the insurance position of the offending driver and vehicle. Any claim for personal injuries
will require copies of medical records from your doctor and any hospital attended after the accident. A Motor Assessor’s Report on the damage to your vehicle may also be required.
As with all personal injury actions, claims for compensation must be brought within two years of the date of incident. Claims for vehicle and property damage must be brought within one year from the incident date.
The MIBI will only consider claims for vehicle or property damage involving an unidentified vehicle if there are significant personal injuries arising from the same accident. The MIBI will pursue those uninsured drivers involved in an accident to cover the costs of compensation to injured parties.